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Brain Architecture, Imaging and Cognition Laboratory


​We study how the brain adapts with age, across the lifespan. We are particularly interested in understanding why some older adults remain cognitively intact, what regions of the brain cause these differences between individuals, and whether we can predict or help prevent cognitive decline in health and disease.

Our studies aim to fill the gaps in understanding the mechanisms associated with age-related reorganization of brain networks and how they impact the behavior and cognitive capacity of individuals. To do this, we use a combination of multiple behavioral, cognitive and neuroimaging tests. Most of our studies are focused on collecting data using a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and a magnetoencephalography (MEG) scanners. The results of our studies have the potential to elucidate how dysfunction of brain networks contributes to cognitive aging in healthy and neurodegenerative conditions.

Our lab is located in the Institute for Human Neuroscience​ at Boys Town National Research Hospital – West Campus. We collaborate with faculty scientists, and trainees at Boys Town National Research Hospital. We also work closely with researchers at other U.S. and international institutions, such as the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (New York, NY), the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) and the University of Bordeaux (Bordeaux, France).


Legend for the video:

Display of the 5 major brain networks in healthy young adults. Each color shows one brain network. Red Network: Visual Network, Dark Blue Network: Salience Network, Green Network: Sensorimotor Network, Yellow Network: Default-Mode Network; Cyan Network: Central Executive Network.  More detail in: G. E. Doucet, W. H. Lee, S. Frangou (2019) Evaluation of the spatial variability in the major resting-state networks across human brain functional atlases. Human Brain Mapping.40:4577-4587. Link: