
Translating research to change the way ​America ​​cares for ​​children and​ ​families.

We are internationally recognized as a leader in clinical and research programs focusing on childhood deafness, developmental language disorder, and related communication disorders. In 2013, we began a new frontier in neurobehavioral research using brain imaging techniques to better help diagnose and treat troubled children with severe behavioral and mental health problems.

Areas of ​Research



Balance ResearchDoctor doing Vestibular Reseach https://www.boystownhospital.org/research/balanceBalance Research
Center for Perception and Communication in Children (COBRE Grant)Cobre Areahttps://www.boystownhospital.org/research/cobreCenter for Perception and Communication in Children (COBRE Grant)
Child and Family Translational Researchadolescent boy looking at the camera smilinghttps://www.boystownhospital.org/research/translational-researchChild and Family Translational Research
Hearing and Speech Perception ResearchAudiologist tools on a medical charthttps://www.boystownhospital.org/research/hearing-speech-perceptionHearing and Speech Perception Research
Institute for Human NeuroscienceMRI and brain scanshttps://www.boystownhospital.org/research/institute-human-neuroscienceInstitute for Human Neuroscience
Sensory Neuroscience ResearchDNA Strand - Researchhttps://www.boystownhospital.org/research/sensory-neuroscienceSensory Neuroscience Research
Speech and Language ResearchSpeech language research https://www.boystownhospital.org/research/speech-languageSpeech and Language Research


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Boys Town’s Lee Evans, Ph.D., Attends NIDCD Diversity Scholar Workshophttps://www.boystownhospital.org/news/lee-evans-attends-nidcd-diversity-scholar-workshopBoys Town’s Lee Evans, Ph.D., Attends NIDCD Diversity Scholar Workshop2025-01-16T06:00:00Z<p>The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) recently held its first in-person NIDCD Diversity Scholar Workshop and Boys Town’s postdoctoral research fellow, Lee Evans, Ph.D., was not only invited to attend, but received funding to cover all travel expenses to the conference in Bethesda, Md.</p><p>The workshop was designed to promote professional development by facilitating interaction within a cohort of diversity scholars who can then work to further NIDCD’s expansive communications research. During the workshop, which was held Oct. 24-25, participants attended seminars aimed at helping them conduct better research and enhance their career trajectories including: </p><ul><li>Mentorship best practices and strategies</li><li>Refining research objectives</li><li>Overcoming challenges in academia</li><li>Submitting NIH (National Institutes of Health) grant applications</li></ul><p>“I got to meet with my faculty mentor, Karla Washington, who is based in Canada. She’s someone that I wouldn't have had a lot of opportunity to meet and to interact with in depth,” said Evans. “Plus, learning the various mechanisms and having those explained in great detail, from the side of the people reviewing grant submissions was really, really nice.”</p><p> The NIDCD Diversity Scholars were also taken on a tour of the NIH campus. Much like Boys Town, the NIH Campus takes up several city blocks. It has its own fire station, the NIH Visitor Center and Nobel Laureate Exhibit Hall, an 870,000-square-foot research center with 200 inpatient beds and more than 1,600 laboratories conducting clinical research. </p><p> Dr. Evans and almost 50 other early-career scientists went behind the scenes at the sprawling NIH research facilities. “That in and of itself is a huge thing,” Evans said enthusiastically. “It doesn't sound like a big thing, but it really, really is because people rarely get to go there. The fact that they took the time to plan it and bring people in during an early-career stage shows an investment in those researchers.”</p><p>As a member of the Written Language Lab at Boys Town National Research Hospital, Dr. Evans will build on his prior work to examine the relationship between encoding integrity and language development in children with hearing loss and developmental dyslexia, as well as begin to examine the relationship between neural encoding and cortical processing of speech. </p>
Boys Town Hosts World Cerebral Palsy Day Eventhttps://www.boystownhospital.org/news/world-cerebral-palsy-dayBoys Town Hosts World Cerebral Palsy Day Event2024-11-08T06:00:00Z<p>​​The Boys Town National Research Hospital Institute for Human Neuroscience and Center for Human Performance Optimization hosted a rodeo-themed World Cerebral Palsy Day event on Oct. 6.<sup> </sup>Nearly 200 people gathered to celebrate and raise awareness for cerebral palsy.</p><p>“What we're trying to do is bring together the community and families that have children and adults who have cerebral palsy… just to celebrate them," said Max Kurz, Ph.D., director of the Physiology of Walking & Engineering Rehabilitation (PoWER) Lab.</p><p>The PoWER Lab is a neuroscience research lab that focuses on how people process sensory information and learn new motor skills. The research team collaborates with the Center for Human Performance Optimization to support the development of innovative, rehabilitative solutions for individuals with developmental disabiliti​​es.</p><p>The free event included a petting zoo, bounce houses, face painting, carnival games and plenty of sweet treats. Ability-inclusive games ensured that everyone was able to enjoy the day. </p><p>Local community sponsors also attended, hoping to raise awareness of services available to the cerebral palsy community in the Omaha area.<br></p> ​<br> <div class="embed-container"> <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/AnOQcQk_CRQ?si=29E6acd44Z0SYssc" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe> </div> <br>​<br>
Karla McGregor, Director of Boys Town Hospital’s Word Learning Laboratory, Has Been Selected for an ASHA Lifetime Achievement Awardhttps://www.boystownhospital.org/news/karla-mcgregor-asha-lifetime-awardKarla McGregor, Director of Boys Town Hospital’s Word Learning Laboratory, Has Been Selected for an ASHA Lifetime Achievement Award2024-09-19T05:00:00Z<p>The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) has chosen Karla McGregor, Ph.D., lead scientist at the Childhood Deafness, Language and Learning Center at Boys Town National Research Hospital and Director of the Word Learning Laboratory, as their next recipient of the Kawana Award for Lifetime Achievement in Publications. </p><p>Named for the former director of ASHA publications, Alfred K, Kawana, this Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to scholars ASHA believes have a sustained history of exemplary publications with journal contributions spanning at least 10 years that are deserving in educational, scientific or clinical value. </p><p>Dr. McGregor’s nomination cited her decades of scholarship, research contributions to ASHA and other scholarly journals, as well as service to ASHA journals and other research-focused programs sponsored by ASHA. </p><p>“I am very surprised and incredibly honored to receive this award,” Dr. McGregor said. “When I look at the list of the previous recipients, I see the names of people who have been my mentors and people who are truly respected in the field, so I feel very humbled to be a part of that list.”</p><p>In addition to decades of scientific research into word learning in children, Dr. McGregor has made immense strides in making developmental language disorder (DLD) a more readily recognized and diagnosed developmental disorder. She is also a co-founder of the website <em>DLD and Me</em>.</p><p>“Dr. McGregor’s research on developmental language disorder (DLD) has had a transformative impact on the field of communication disorders,” stated Ryan McCreery, Vice President of Research at Boys Town National Research Hospital. “The Kawana Award recognizes not only the volume of her contributions to our knowledge about DLD, but the quality and clinical impact of her research on the people that we serve. Dr. McGregor’s work is an exemplar of rigorous science that can change how we provide care to our patients. To receive this recognition from the largest organization of speech-language pathologists and audiologists in the world is an incredible accomplishment.”<br></p><p>The award will be given to Dr. McGregor on December 5th, during the Researcher-Academic Town Meeting, at ASHA’s 2024 National Convention. Dr. McGregor is the first Boys Town researcher to receive the prestigious Kawana Award for Lifetime Achievement in Publications. </p>
Boys Town New Endowed Chair in Childhood Deafness, Language and Learning to be Held by Lisa Goffman, Ph.D.https://www.boystownhospital.org/news/new-endowed-chair-language-and-learningBoys Town New Endowed Chair in Childhood Deafness, Language and Learning to be Held by Lisa Goffman, Ph.D.2024-07-19T05:00:00Z<p>Boys Town welcomes Lisa Goffman, Ph.D., CCC-SLP as the new Endowed Chair in the Center on Childhood Deafness, Language and Learning. Her research focuses on how children with developmental language disorder (DLD) acquire language and motor abilities. She is interested in how interactions between language, cognitive, and motor skills may contribute to new and effective assessment and intervention approaches. Her research has been funded by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders at the National Institutes of Health for over 25 years. </p><p>“I am thrilled to join the Boys Town research team and a remarkable group of scientists focused on language disorders in children,” Dr. Goffman said. “We have eight researchers focused on DLD who all have unique perspectives. I study how language and action interact in complex learning, including of language. Other scientists in the Center consider DLD in relation to trauma; cognitive abilities, such as memory; auditory abilities and hearing; and literacy. We are interested in DLD across the lifespan. We share a passion for understanding mechanisms that underlie DLD and for identifying and developing new assessments and treatments to alleviate this disorder that affects so many children and adults. The excellent and multifaceted group at Boys Town was the big attractor for me to come here.” </p><p>Dr. Goffman was on faculty at Purdue University for 21 years, where she established her “Language in Motion” lab. Most recently, she served as the endowed chair in Early Childhood Communication Disorders in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas. </p><p>Dr. Goffman received her clinical master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Purdue University, went on to work as an SLP in a highly interdisciplinary early intervention program, and then returned to Purdue for her doctorate. The inspiration for her return to research came from her clinical observations while working as a Speech-Language Pathologist in early intervention. <br> “I had the opportunity to work closely with psychologists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, occupational and physical therapists, audiologists, and educators. The interdisciplinary perspective I was exposed to inspired me to consider how social, cognitive, language, and motor factors all interact in the development of a child. This interdisciplinary, interactive, and family-centered approach fueled my desire to return to school for doctoral study and laid the groundwork for my excitement in joining the group at Boys Town.” </p><p>She is transitioning her “Language in Motion” lab to Boys Town and her plans for the endowed chair position include, “engaging in the array of research and clinical opportunities that are the essence of Boys Town.” Some of these opportunities include joint research with her colleagues in the Center for Childhood Deafness, Language, and Learning in investigating and establishing optimal treatments for people with DLD across the lifespan. She also has initiated interactions with new colleagues in the other Centers, as she establishes novel conceptual and methodological approaches for studying how children, especially those with DLD, learn. Dr. Goffman is extremely excited to be part of the Boys Town clinical research team.</p>
Boys Town Raises Awareness for Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)https://www.boystownhospital.org/news/boys-town-raises-awareness-for-development-language-disorderBoys Town Raises Awareness for Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)2023-10-20T05:00:00Z<p>​​​Today, October 20<sup>th</sup>, is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness Day. DLD Day was originated to bring attention to this neurodevelopmental condition that limits the learning, comprehension and expression of spoken language.</p><p> <a href="/research/faculty/karla-mcgregor">Karla McGregor, Ph.D.</a>, senior scientist and director at Boys Town's <a href="/services/center-for-childhood-deafness-language-learning">Center for Childhood Deafness Language, and Learning</a> answered a few common questions about DLD.<br><strong> </strong> <br> <strong>What is DLD?</strong><br>DLD is a neurodevelopmental condition that limits the learning, comprehension and expression of spoken language. Like all neurodevelopmental conditions, DLD is life-long, although many people with DLD have gained skills and ways of compensating that allow them to function well as adults.</p><p> <strong>What are common signs of DLD?</strong><br>DLD entails a spectrum of symptoms that vary from person to person and change with age. Problems with language patterns including the ways that words or sentences are structured, are common.</p><p>For a young child, the signs may include not being able to follow verbal instructions, using very short or incomplete sentences, or taking a long time to learn new words.</p><p>For older children, we see problems understanding classroom discourse and difficulties learning to read and spell, or to complete homework assignments. Even math can be hard because teachers explain mathematical concepts using language.</p><p>For adolescents and adults, organizing essays or reports, understanding fast-paced lectures that include less familiar terms and complex syntax, or following conversations that contain slang, figurative language (like metaphors), and verbal humor (like puns), can be difficult.<br></p><p>At all ages, DLD can affect social relationships and it is easy to understand why as spoken language is vitally important for negotiating, solving problems, making plans and expressing thoughts and feelings.</p><p> <strong>How is DLD diagnosed?</strong><br>DLD is diagnosed by a speech-language pathologist in a school or clinic. The process involves collecting a case history, observations of the individual's communication skills, and administration of tests.</p><p> <strong>What DLD resources does Boys Town National Research Hospital offer?</strong><br>Boys Town National Research Hospital (BTNRH) has two speech-language clinics <a href="/services/pediatric-speech-language-therapy">in Omaha, Nebraska</a>. Our staff speech-language pathologists are experts when it comes to diagnosing and treating DLD.</p><p>We also have a large language sciences research group that specializes in DLD research. <a href="/research/participate">Volunteering for language research opportunities</a>, even if you do not have DLD, is a great way to advance understanding of the condition.</p><p>Finally, BTNRH is the home of <a href="https://dldandme.org/" target="_blank">DLDandMe.org</a>, a website that offers written and audio summaries on various topics related to the disorder, that provide a valuable resource to parents, children and professionals.</p>​<br>
Boys Town’s Kaylah Lalonde, Ph.D., Awarded the Early Career Research from the American Auditory Societyhttps://www.boystownhospital.org/news/kaylah-lalonde-awarded-early-career-researchBoys Town’s Kaylah Lalonde, Ph.D., Awarded the Early Career Research from the American Auditory Society2023-04-24T05:00:00Z<p>​Kaylah Lalonde, Ph.D., Director of the Audiovisual Speech Processing Laboratory, was awarded the Early Career Research Award at the 50<sup>th</sup> Annual Scientific and Technology Conference of the American Auditory Society (AAS) held in Scottsdale, Arizona, in early March.</p><p>Dr. Lalonde's primary line of study focuses on audiovisual speech enhancement, the way listeners use visual cues on a speaker's face to help understand speech and how the use of said cues changes over development from infancy to young adulthood. She also studies how pediatric hearing loss may change the way children learn to use those cues. </p><p>Dr. Lalonde attended this conference as a graduate student and feels fortunate to have been able to share about her own experience to students in attendance.</p><p>“I just felt so honored to be receiving this award, and it allowed me to talk to the students in the room about my journey and how we don't always feel like we are the most impressive, but that doesn't mean we aren't doing a great job and progressing in our careers and in how we contribute to the field," said Dr. Lalonde. </p><p>Dr. Lalonde first learned about Boys Town National Research Hospital and the Center for Hearing and Speech Perception while attending those early AAS conferences. Boys Town has historically had a significant number of scientists presenting research at the annual conference, so Boys Town was on Dr. Lalonde's radar early. </p><p>Being a Boys Town researcher may have helped Dr. Lalonde receive this prestigious award. </p><p>“Being at Boys Town has allowed me to be more productive than I might have been in a faculty position at a university," said Dr. Lalonde. “Being able to collaborate with so many people within Boys Town National Research Hospital has also been a big contributor to productivity."</p><p>Dr. Lalonde hopes that this productivity and the work being done with children who have hearing loss will change the way that we diagnose and treat these children. In the long term, it may even inform the signal processing that happens in hearing aids.</p><p>Also honored at the AAS conference was Monita Chatterjee, Ph.D., Director of the Auditory Prostheses and Perception Laboratory, who received the Carhart Memorial Award. </p><p>“Monita is my internal mentor," said Dr. Lalonde, “so that was really special to me."</p><p>To learn more about Dr. Chatterjee's award, <a href="https://www.boystownhospital.org/news/monita-chatterjee-receives-award">click here</a>. <br></p><p> <br> </p>​<br>


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