Technology Core Services Team
Chris Sticker, Ph.D.Director of the Technology Core
Dr. Chris Stecker is the Director of the Technology Core and Spatial Hearing and Auditory Neuroscience Lab. Dr. Stecker has a bachelor’s degree in cognitive science and a doctorate in cognitive psychology. His current research focuses on using behavioral, computational, and neuroimaging (functional MRI) techniques to study how the brain processes spatial information, determines which bits are reliable, and combines them into a coherent perceptual image of the outside world. His specialties include, auditory psychophysics, auditory neuroimaging with fMRI, multi-electrode recording in auditory cortex, pattern-recognition approaches to analysis of neural data, and scientific programming with MATLAB (e.g., for experimental control and data analysis), Unity 3D (for virtual environments), etc.
Seth BashfordResearch Developer
Bashford is trained in electrical engineering and has experience with audio programming, hearing aid simulation, cochlear implant recording, graphics programming, and eye tracking. Bashford helps Boys Town scientists develop software for running experiments and configure hardware for their labs.
Denis Fitzpatrick, Ph.D.Senior Research Developer and Coordinator of Research Engineering
Dr. Fitzpatrick is trained as an experimental psychologist and works closely with Boys Town National Research Hospital scientists to develop software for a wide range of lab experiments, including specialized peripherals for auditory, visual, electrophysiological, mechanical, and vestibular testing.
Christine Hammans
Quality Assurance Analyst - Technology Core
Christine Hammans works alongside developers and users to review and test new software, suggest design changes and ensure accuracy and usability. Ms. Hammans is also a local ambassador for the Center for Open Science. In this role, she helps provide support for reproducible practices and the use of The Open Science Framework.
Won JangResearch Technology Engineer
Jang has a background in computer science. He is experienced in technology development (hardware and software) to support research projects in industry Research & Development and academic settings.
Raj PersaudSenior Research Developer
Mr. Persaud is educated as an electrical engineer and has extensive experience with data communications networks. He currently works closely with Boys Town research and clinical personnel to develop software for auditory testing and vocal development.