Current Studies


Participate in Our “Mental Health Effects of Home Radon Exposure" Research Study​

Radon is a natural gas that can build up in homes, especially in eastern Nebraska and Iowa. Despite its environmental toxin status and high exposure rates in the US, there are still many questions about its effect. This study aims to determine if everyday radon exposure has an impact on mental health in children and teens. Goals for the study include:

Goal 1: How does radon affect brain function related to processing emotions in otherwise healthy children and teens?

Goal 2: Are these changes in brain function related to mental health outcomes like anxiety?

Your child may be eligible to participate in our study if he or she:

  • Is between ages 12 – 17
  • Is medically and mentally healthy with no diagnosed disorders
  • Can complete various brain games
  • Speaks English as a primary language

Study Requirements

  • Visit the Institute for Human Neuroscience twice.
  • Complete various brain games.
  • Provide hair and blood samples.
  • Complete MEG and MRI brain scans.
  • Complete a pre-paid mail-in home radon test kit.
  • Complete a pre-paid mail-in air pollution wristband kit​


Participants will be compensated each time they visit the Boys Town Institute for Human Neuroscience, when they submit a completed radon test kit, and when they submit a completed wristband kit.

 Participants will receive $50 for each visit to the Institute, $20 for completing the radon test kit, and $20 for completing the pollution wristband kit.

Sign Up to Participate

Our lab is actively seeking participants for research studies. Please fill out the form below if you would like to sign up. If you have any questions about participation, please email or call 531-355-8942, and we will reach out to you!

Sign up Here

Where do our studies take place?
Boys Town National Research Hospital
Institute for Human Neuroscience
14090 Mother Theresa Lane
Boys Town, NE 68010