Project Include Study


​​​​​​​​Advancing Hearing Healthcare and Outcomes for Individuals with Down Syndrome Across the Lifespan

Advancing Hearing Healthcare and Outcomes for Individuals with Down Syndrome Across the Lifespan. Up to 80% of individuals with Down syndrome have hearing loss at some point during their life, including fluctuating, temporary and permanent hearing loss. This hearing loss is significant because prior research has shown that the development of hearing and speech perception requires years of quality experience with sound, extensive language knowledge and maturation of executive function. One goal of this project is to characterize auditory development for individuals with Down syndrome. Another goal is to improve assessment tools for evaluating hearing and speech perception in individuals with Down syndrome across the lifespan. The results of this study have important clinical implications.

Boys Town National Research Hospital® is seeking participants ages 7 months to 65 years for a new study to advance hearing healthcare and outcomes for individuals with Down syndrome.

Participants hear sounds that are presented through a speaker or headphones. Sometimes there are background sounds, such as noise or people talking. We often use a game format to make sure the listening activities are interesting. Sounds are played at a comfortable level.


Sign Up to Participate

Individuals will receive a hearing test and language test for participation in this study. Compensation for this study is $20 per hour.

If you would like to learn more about this study, please contact Jenna Paulsen by email or phone (531) 355-6674​.

For information in Spanish, pleas​e email or phone (531) 355-6350.

Para obtener información en español, envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al (531) 355-6350.

This study is funded by the National Institutes of Health – National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIHNIDCD)

Grant #s R21DC02002 and R01 DC020229.

This study takes place at:
Boys Town National Research Hospital
555 North 30th Street
Omaha, NE 68131

Remote opportunities may be available through the Boys Town Mobile Research Vehicle.