Doug Woods, Ph.D. Loyola University Dr. Douglas Woods is currently Provost and Professor of Psychology at Loyola University Chicago. Dr. Woods is a licensed psychologist and remains an active researcher, having authored or co-authored over 300 papers and 13 books, along with multiple grants for his work on the treatment of children and adults with Tourette Syndrome, trichotillomania, and other OCD-related problems. He is a current member, and former co-chair of the Tourette Association of America’s Medical Advisory Board. When You Need a Child Psychiatrist
Time is Brain: A Panel Discussion on Practical Strategies to Battle the Waitlist Crisis for Autism Diagnosis
Whitney Strong-Bak, Ph.D., LP Assistant Professor of Pediatric Psychology University of Nebraska Medical Center
Staff Psychiatrist, Chief of Inpatient Psychiatric Acute Care Boys Town National Research Hospital
Staff Psychiatrist Children’s Nebraska
Flash Talk 1
Flash Talk 2
Flash Talk 3
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