Schedule - Behavioral Health Conference

Schedule of Events

7:45-8:45 AM

Registration & Check-In

8:30-8:45 AM


8:45-9:45 AM

Keynote Address

Dr. Doug Woods, Getting the Nose of Behavioral Analysis Under the Tent: The Case of Tourette Syndrome

9:45-9:55 AM


9:55-10:55 AM

Session 1

Dr. Whitney Strong-Bak and Dr. Jennifer Burt, Time is Brain: A Panel Discussion on Practical Strategies to Battle the Waitlist Crisis for Autism Diagnosis

10:55-11:05 AM



Session 2

Dr. Matthew Dobbertin, When You Need a Child Psychiatrist

11:50 AM-1:00 PM

Lunch (Great Hall)

1:00-2:00 PM

Session 3

Dr. Jennifer McWilliams, Social Media and Kids: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2:00-2:10 PM


2:10-3:10 PM

Flash Talks

  1. Dr. Alli Morton, Dr. Hannah Grandgenett, Dr. Erika Franta; Screening and Assessing for Trauma in Pediatric Primar Care
  2. Dr. Johannah Bashford-Lange; Multivariate Brain-Behavior Relationships within a Transdiagnostic Sample of Adolescents
  3. Dr. Irina Patwardhan, Dr. Bridget Barnes, Dr. Patrick Tyler; Benefits of the Online Boys Town Common Sense Parenting Program for Parent and Youth Behavioral Health

3:10-3:20 OM


3:20-4:20 PM

Session 4

Dr. Daniel Reiff, Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain in Children: Diagnosis, Treatment and Behavioral Health

4:20-4:45 PM

Wrap Up/Closing and CE’s

4:45-6:00 PM

Social (Great Hall)