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Your Baby at 6 Months

  • Your Baby at 6 Months

    Boys Town Pediatrics

    Milestones is an exciting and important way to track the development of your baby.

    Here are some things you might see your baby doing around 6 months of age. 

    Your baby can:

    • Roll over in both directions, front to back and back to front
    • Sit without support
    • Support his weight when standing and may even bounce
    • Rock back and forth, even starting to crawl backwards before moving forward
    • Grasp and study small objects

    At 6 month of age, your baby's language and communication skills continue to develop.

    Your baby can:

    • Respond to sounds by making her own sounds, sometimes making sputtering sounds with her lips and tongue
    • Experiment with different volumes and pitches of sounds while making sounds to show happiness and displeasure
    • Respond to her name

    Every child is different. Some of these behaviors and milestones generally occur at certain ages, however, a wide range of growth and behavior for each age is normal.

    Remember, if you have any concerns about your child's development, check with your pediatrician.

Infant and Toddler Care Pediatrics