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Melissa Suh, M.D.

Melissa Suh, M.D.

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Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery

Accepting new patients


​​​​Melissa Suh, M.D., joins the Boys Town General and Thoracic Surgery group. Dr. Suh received her medical degree from the Saint Louis School of Medicine and completed her surgical residency at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, during which, she completed two years of research in vascular surgery, as well as a fellowship in pediatric surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Children's Hospital in Omaha, NE.

Dr. Suh is certified in the use of the da Vinci® surgical robot and will be using this skill to advance the use of robotic surgery to improve pediatric patient care for Boys Town Hospital patients.

“I came to Omaha almost a decade ago to start my training and never thought I would end up working here," Dr. Suh reminisced. “But there is something about the city and the people in this community that draws you in. I am so glad that I get to continue to be a part of this community and get to help take care of the children here."


  • ​Medical Degree, St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
  • General Sur​gery Residency, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
  • Vascular Surgery Research Fellow, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
  • Pediatric Surgery Fellowship, University of Nebraska Medical Center and Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, Omaha, NE




Pacific Street Clinic-Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgerypacific-street-clinicPacific Street Clinic-Pediatric General and Thoracic SurgeryPacific Street Clinic14080 Hospital Rd​​​​​1408​0 Hospital Rd​<br>Boys TownNE68010(531) 355-7400ServiceLocationCatalog