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Kelli J. Shidler, M.D.

Kelli J. Shidler, M.D.

4.90 out of 5 stars ? Star ratings and reviews come from completed patient satisfaction surveys over the previous 12 months.




Dr. Kelli Shidler grew up wanting to be a pediatrician. In her baby book, on the line that asks the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” it says, a baby doctor. “I can’t imagine any other job,” says Dr. Shidler. Using the latest, most up-to-date information and research to help diagnose and treat each child, Dr. Shidler helps parents to find the best treatment options available. “I really enjoy being able to teach and help children learn healthy habits at a young age to help them grow into healthy adults.”

At this time, Dr. Shidler is only accepting appointments for her current patient load and newborns.


  • Medical Degree, University of Iowa College of Medicine
  • Pediatric Residency, University of Nebraska Medical Center–Creighton University Medical Center




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