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Kathy Schall, M.D.

Kathy Schall, M.D.

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Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery; Pectus

Accepting new patients


​​Dr. Kathy Schall is board certified in General Surgery and board eligible in Pediatric Surgery. “My medical interests include short bowel syndrome, DSD, chest wall disorders, neonatal surgery, minimally invasive surgical techniques, thoracic surgery and the full scope of pediatric surgery,” she said. “Training other surgeons, physicians from other specialties and medical students is also a passion of mine.”

Short bowel syndrome is an area of particular interest to Dr. Schall. “During my research fellowship, I had first-hand experience with the disease process and potential future treatment strategies. It’s a complex disease that can be caused by many different etiologies and requires a multidisciplinary team for optimal treatment. Here in Omaha, we are working with our Gastroenterologists and Nutritional ​Team to set up a multidisciplinary clinic to better serve our patients.”

“I look forward to bringing my expertise from extensive training back home to Nebraska, providing the best care possible for the children of our region,” Dr. Schall said.


  • ​Medical Degree, University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • General Surgery Residency, University of Utah Affiliated Hospitals, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Researc​h Fellowship, Short Bowel Syndrome, Children's Hospital, Los Angeles, CA
  • Pediatric Surgery Fellowship, Phoenix Children's Hospital, Phoenix, AZ




Pacific Street Clinic-Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgerypacific-street-clinicPacific Street Clinic-Pediatric General and Thoracic SurgeryPacific Street Clinic14080 Hospital Rd​​​​​1408​0 Hospital Rd​<br>Boys TownNE68010(531) 355-7400ServiceLocationCatalog