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Gene T. Omoto, PA-C

Gene T. Omoto, PA-C

4.43 out of 5 stars ? Star ratings and reviews come from completed patient satisfaction surveys over the previous 12 months.

Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

Accepting new patients


​​​​​​Gene Omoto is a certified physician assistant specializing in Orthopaedics and Sports M​edicine.


  • Masters Degree, University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Omaha, NE
  • Fellowship, USAF Medical Center, Travis AFB, CA




Pacific Street Clinic-Orthopaedics and Sports Medicinepacific-street-clinicPacific Street Clinic-Orthopaedics and Sports MedicinePacific Street Clinic14040 Hospital Rd​​​​14040 Hospital ​RdBoys TownNE68010(531) 355-6800