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Caitlin Gillespie, D.O.

Caitlin Gillespie, D.O.

4.91 out of 5 stars ? Star ratings and reviews come from completed patient satisfaction surveys over the previous 12 months.


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​​​Dr. Gillespie’s philosophy of care is team-focused with physicians and families working together to help children learn, grow, and thrive. “Boys Town Pediatrics feels like family,” said Dr. Gillespie. “We work as a team, collaborating with our patients and families to make sure that we’re addressing their needs and providing the resources and medical expertise necessary to ensure that their child is developing normally. I'm here to talk through things, troubleshoot problems, hear concerns and answer questions, so that we can make sure your child is safe, healthy and thriving.”


  • ​​Doctorate Degree, Osteopathic Medicine, Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Des Moines, IA​
  • Pediatric Residency, Creighton Medical Center, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Children's Hospital and Medical Center




Maple Street Clinic-Pediatricsmaple-street-clinicMaple Street Clinic-PediatricsMaple Street Clinic3838 N 167 Ct3838 N 167 CtOmahaNE68116(531) 355-7500