Dr. Reinhardt is a board certified in pediatric rheumatologist. He joined Boys Town Hospital in 2019 and looks forward to helping children and families. Request an appointment with Dr. Reinhardt and our pediatric rheumatology team at our Pacific Street Clinic.
- Medical Degree, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
- General Pediatrics Residency, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO
- Fellowship, Pediatric Rheumatology, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
Lincoln Clinic-Pediatric Rheumatology | | lincoln-clinic | Lincoln Clinic-Pediatric Rheumatology | Lincoln Clinic | 575 S 70th St
Ste 300 | 575 S 70th St<br>Ste 300 | Lincoln | NE | 68510 | (531) 355-6800 | | ServiceLocationCatalog | | |
Pacific Street Clinic-Pediatric Rheumatology | | pacific-street-clinic | Pacific Street Clinic-Pediatric Rheumatology | Pacific Street Clinic | 14040 Hospital Rd | 14040 Hospital Rd<br> | Boys Town | NE | 68010 | (531) 355-6800 | | ServiceLocationCatalog | | |