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Adam Reinhardt, M.D.

Adam Reinhardt, M.D.

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Pediatric Rheumatology

Accepting new patients


​​​Dr. Reinhardt is a board certified in pediatric rheumatologist. He joined Boys Tow​n Hospital in 2019 and looks forward to helping children and families. Request an appointment with Dr. Reinhardt and our pediatric rheumatology team at our Pacific Street Clinic.


  • ​Medical Degree, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
  • General Pediatrics Residency, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO
  • Fellowship, Pediatric Rheumatology, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh​




Lincoln Clinic-Pediatric Rheumatology lincoln-clinicLincoln Clinic-Pediatric Rheumatology Lincoln Clinic575 S 70th St Ste 300575 S 70th St<br>Ste 300LincolnNE68510(531) 355-6800ServiceLocationCatalog
Pacific Street Clinic-Pediatric Rheumatologypacific-street-clinicPacific Street Clinic-Pediatric RheumatologyPacific Street Clinic14040 Hospital ​Rd​​14040 Hospital ​Rd<br>Boys TownNE68010(531) 355-6800