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Boys Town Pediatric Neuroscience Welcomes Second Pediatric Neurosurgeon


Monday, August 7, 2023

​​​Boys Town Hospital is proud to welcome Mark Puccioni, M.D., as a full-time board-certified pediatric neurosurgeon at Boys Town Pediatric Neurosci​ence. Dr. Puccioni has been working closely with Boys Town as a community partner physician since 2012, serving patients in both pediatric neurosurgery and the Boys Town Craniofacial Clinic.

An Omaha native, Dr. Puccioni received his medical degree from the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) and also completed his neurosurgery residency at UNMC. He completed a pediatric neurosurgery fellowship at Children's Medical Center Dallas/University of Texas Southwestern. He is board certified in pediatric and adult neurosurgery and is the only pediatric neurosurgeon in Nebraska inducted into the American Society of Pediatric Neurosurgeons. 

“Life-changing care is not just treating the neurosurgical problem effectively, but doing so with a good neurological outcome," Dr. Puccioni said. “A quality job can change someone's life for many, many decades. It is extremely rewarding to have seen so many of my patients go from childhood to adulthood happy and healthy. “

Welcome, Dr. Puccioni!