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Rose Pauley, APRN Receives First-Ever Excellence in Nursing Practice Award


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

​​​​On October 18, Boys Town Pediatric Gastroenterology’sRose Pauley, APRN-NP, was awarded the first-ever Excellence in Nursing Practice Award by the Association for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Nurses at the Annual Conference in Chicago, IL.

​​​​​​​​Rose Pauley, APRN and Jon Vanderhoof, M.D. shake hands as she accepts her award

Rose Pauley, APRN and Jon Vanderhoof, M.D.

Pediatric Gastroenterology
Boys Town National Research Hospital and Medical Clinics
Omaha, Nebraska

The award recognizes a nurse who is a member of the association and provides high quality care to patients, models professionalism, assists colleagues, actively guides and assists with clinical work and research, and has promoted or expanded the role of nursing in gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition. Rose has been an active member of the association since its inception, serving in several officer roles including president and secretary/treasurer.

“It means so much to be recognized on a national level for my work in pediatric gastroenterology over the last 37 years,” said Rose Pauley. “I was truly humbled by the nomination and proud I was able to represent Boys Town on a national level as well.”

Helping Boys Town National Research Hospital shine in a national spotlight does not even begin to cover all that Rose has done for the organization. Rose sees patients thre​e times a week in a clinic setting at outreach locations in three cities outside of Omaha, building trust and changing lives wherever she goes. As one patient said in his nomination letter, “Rose took a disease that was overwhelming and helped me learn to thrive.”​

And the respect between patient and provider is mutual. When asked about her favorite part of the job, Rose stated, “For sure the kids. I love interacting with the babies up to the teenagers, I strive to get them to trust me and know that I am there to help them. I try to keep things upbeat and provide hope to them. I have followed several kids over an extensive time and I get a lot of fulfillment from getting a graduation invitation or a wedding announcement.”

Boys Town National Research Hospital congratulates Rose Pauley for her much-deserved Excellence in Nursing Practice Award!