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How To Insert an Earmold and a Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aid

​​Watch an audiologist describe t​he steps to insert an earm​old into the ear and how to put on a behind-the-ear hearing aid. It is important to follow these steps to avoid damaging the hearing aid or the earmold.

How to Insert Hearing Aid E​armolds

There are two parts to the hearing aid - the part that goes behind the ear and the earmold that goes in the ear.

  • Step 1: Hold the hearing aid by the bottom of the earmold
  • Step 2: Pull gently back and up on the outer ear
  • Step 3: Twist the earmold forward slightly and place it in the ear canal
  • Step 4: Push the earmold in and rotate it backwards as you push it all the way into the ear
  • My name is Ashley and I'm an audiologist at Boys Town National Research Hospital and today Jack and I are going to show you how to put in a hearing aid.

    So there are two parts to the hearing aid, the part that goes behind the ear and the part that goes in the ear. The sound comes out of the hearing aid and travels down to the earmold tubing and then comes out the sound bore here, so this is the part that goes inside the ear.

    So when we put the earmold in the ear, we're going to hold by the bottom of the earmold. We're going to twist it slightly forward, put it in the ear canal by pulling gently back and up on the ear, and then as we put it in we're going to push and rotate to the earmold backwards and then take our finger and make sure that that mold is all the way in the ear. Then we grab the hearing aid and put it up over the top of the ear.

    To remove the hearing aid, pull back on the ear slightly so that you can create a gap to get your finger behind to the mold and then grab the back of the mold, twist slightly forward and pull the earmold out. We want to be careful not to pull the earmold by the tubing so that the tubing doesn't come out of the earmold itself.

Hearing Aids Hearing and Balance