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Lindsey Boukal, APRN

Lindsey Boukal, APRN

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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Accepting new patients


​​​​Lindsey Boukal, APRN, is a nurse practitioner specializing in child and adolescent psychiatry at Boys Town National Research Hospital. ​


  • Master's Degree, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • Master's Degree, Nursing, University of Phoenix
  • Member, American Psychiatric Nurses Association




Lakeside Clinic-Child and Adolescent Psychiatrylakeside-clinicLakeside Clinic-Child and Adolescent PsychiatryLakeside Clinic16929 Frances St, Ste 104​​​16929 Frances St<br>​Ste 104OmahaNE68130(531) 355-1449ServiceLocationCatalog
Maple Street Clinic-Child and Adolescent Psychiatrymaple-street-clinicMaple Street Clinic-Child and Adolescent PsychiatryMaple Street Clinic3838 N 167 Ct3838 N 167 Ct<br>OmahaNE68116(531) 355-1449